Staphylococci are the most prevalent bacteria isolated from bovine mammary secretions. In the past, we would call them CNS, as in coagulase-negative Staphylococci. However, another classification sche
In this webinar, Dr. Kirkpatrick will focus on the financial impacts that a high first-test SCC can have on milk production, clinical mastitis rates and cull rates. Spoiler alert: It’s a lot more...
It’s no secret that milk quality has improved enormously over the last few decades. In fact, DHI records indicate that the national average for somatic cell counts has fallen from 304,000 cells/mL...
Linear score and percent of the herd not infected are two additional measures for evaluating udder health and milk quality. Of course, somatic cell counts are key, too.One of the key factors affecting
“If a farmer has an attitude of being responsible for mastitis on the farm, there was a lower bulk tank somatic cell count (SCC),” explained the University of Tennessee’s Peter Krawczel
by Peter Edmondson. Controlling somatic cell counts can be an ongoing battle for many dairy farmers. How to Control Somatic Cell Counts is written by a veterinarian who specializes resolving mastitis issues,...
Upper Midwest cell count drops to record low. After hovering between 220,000 and 222,000 somatic cells per milliliter from 2012 to 2014, somatic cell counts dropped to 208,000 on a weighted average in...
Consider everything to lower cell count. "Whenever you lose interest in being better at something, chances are you have already stopped being good at it," challenged milk quality specialist Andrew Johnson,...
The once steady growth in milk quality has become stagnant. After dropping by nearly 100,000 cells per milliliter from 2005 to 2012, somatic cell counts (SCC) have leveled off near 200,000 over the past...
Up just 1,000 cells/mL, SCC reverted to 2012 levels this past year.After trending downward for nearly a decade, the somatic cell count average of herds enrolled in Dairy HerdInformation (DHI) testing rose...
Across the four monitored milk-marketing orders, a 5.9 percent drop in somatic cell count was achieved. U.S. dairy producers continued to make strides toward lowering bulk tank somatic cell count (BTSCC)...
Seven steps that allow you to establish an effective mastitis control program. Over time, somatic cell count (SCC) levels on dairies in the U.S. have gradually dropped. With time though, it is likely that...
Lowering the somatic cell count (SCC) limit has received a lot of press lately, but reducing SCC has many benefits for dairy producers regardless of regulations. Higher premiums and improved cow health...
Delegates to the bi-annual National Conference on Interstate Milk Shipments yesterday narrowly defeated a proposal to reduce the somatic cell count (SCC) legal limit from the current 750,000 cells per...
Hoard's Dairyman Webinar Archives February 14, 2011: What lower cell count limits could mean to you presented by Pam Ruegg, University of Wisconsin Brought to you by Merial and their
Dr. Pam Ruegg talks about the implications of 400,000 cell count limits. Topics included somatic cell count, milk quality, udder health, federal regulations
Meeting in Arlington, Va., near the nation's capital, the 50th Annual Meeting of the National Mastitis Council was both festive and productive. There was plenty of fun and reminiscing sprinkled amid the...
The summer heat is upon us. As many readers are aware, we can monitor and anticipate changes to the dairy herd when the temperature-humidity index (THI) begins to climb above the comfort zone of 68
I am a dairy consultant, and just last Monday I was having a discussion with the dairy owner about employees having their cellphones with them when the Hoard's Dairyman Intel "Does your dairy prohibit...
Safety is one reason why some producers are trying to keep them out of the workplace. Convenience. Nuisance. Threat. Cellphones are ubiquitous in life – which means they are also ubiquitous on dairies....